                            == 背景==
(調理保養品原料、 保健食品原料、炁之原料OEM ODM)à量子àà自然光能養生。
   為了自己家人的特殊體質而不得不尋找與研究各種原物料。 非咖啡業界人士。自921後注重土壤酸化,而從事吹修復生態,意外機緣深入台灣咖啡,進而開始實驗、測試、辯證、分享品鑑知識。
Mr. Fang (Fang XianSheng), an energy analyst, element identify expert, and eco-friendly roaster, had actually worked in many different fields in his early life, from chemical industry, biochemical industry, biotechnology industry, to bio-medical industry. Used to provide OEM/ODM service on raw materials of Skincare and functional food products, he then turned to naturefor the health of his wife, EVA LO
2007-05-11 台東報導 能量分析
==如何發現咖啡養生之效? 實證?佐證?==
How did you discover & confirm the benefits of coffee?
 「野放陳年咖啡豆,陸續探索出不同於書本所教、有別國外咖啡常理的知識。後因本身化工實驗室背景,發現既然塞風壺(虹吸壺)是萃取,便有方法可測出土質養分是否充足」   夫人Eva曾歷經生死關卡,為極端敏感體質,竟可喝下自己意外成就的咖啡,並感受其調理之效,於是開始實驗、比較、辯證之路……以光學儀器檢測、人體感受印證、書本辯證佐證、鼓吹生態種法
“The discovery was a pure accident. I got hundreds of kilos of coffee beans that were shade-grown and had been stored for years.
Then I started to make experiments to explore what it can bring us.
It surprised me that the results of my study are quite different from what we are told in books. Also, the differences of coffee exist among different countries. Due to my lab experiences, I found a way to test whether the soil is fertile, in other words, whether the coffee is beneficial to our health, by using syphon.”  
His wife, EVA LO, is someone who had gone through extreme health conditions. Therefore, is in every wayhighly sensitive. But the coffee Mr. Fang accidentally made appeared to be more than acceptable to her. She felt coffee as the essence of natural medicine for the first time. So Mr. Fang continues to study on this mysterious coffee. Using machines to examine energy, books to find supports and evidences, and people to feel the effects, he then started to agitate for eco-friendly planting method.
“Rustic coffee farming can bring benefits from different aspects. 1. To restore soil health: It would be a great help to our land if farmers learn how to do rustic farming with homemade organic fertilizer. According to the nature of coffee trees, they have a system to reduce soil acidification to protect their fruit (coffee cherries).      2. To boost tourism: The economic value of coffee is higher than other vegetables and fruits. Also, it can attract younger generation to return to work in their hometown. 3. To spread Coffee Spirits: If we know what is good coffee, then we will start to be more aware of the quality of foods and drinks. Besides, coffee has long been a good company when we need inspirations to create, have refreshing moments to start work, or to just lay back and relax. 4. To detoxify naturally from heavy-metal: Well-made Coffee contains over 200 nutrients. And that enable our body to detoxify heavy-metal naturally. Nevertheless, if farmers value the income coffee can bring more than the cultural influences coffee can make, it can cause damage to our eco-system as well. Plus, according to current coffee market in Taiwan, the quality of coffee and the making process is hard to be standarlized.”
Is Organic Certification equal to total benefit to human body?
    「取得貨真價實咖啡的好方法‧建議用自由心證方式品味口感,天然而正確的東西是不會上癮的,只有想念與回味。」 “So far, we can only say there may be good coffee if we use non-toxic, rustic farming method. But there is no guarantee whether it is only benefit to our health under the labels of organic certifications.  From seed to cup, if any part of the whole process goes wrong, it will damage nutrients within. So, I teach people to learn more close-to-the-ground knowledge about coffee and develop their own senses. By doing so, we can listen to our body's whispers. What is natural and rightly made will never cause addiction, only joyous moments and taste that lingers. ”
                   ====                     What’s the reasonable price? 
 ”It really depends. Market prices vary from storage period, species, percentage (whether mixed with low-price beans), storage techniques, and roasting techniques. Also, the end price includes the atmosphere for customers. As the matter of fact, the range is too wide to have a specific number; but in general, we can see from 4 major parts.
1. 種植區的高度山氣水氣土質養分,和善良的農夫
2. 採收時善良的農村民女對每顆豆的愛力呈現,到倉庫中保存的用心。咖啡種子是活的,是有生命的。
3. 烘焙師的耐心和火侯。耐心而細心的焙溫熟成咖啡豆的淺、中、深,每顆黑金皆可烘成8種口感,即使是最差的豆子也可使其活化躍昇。烘好豆而得名的烘焙師是應該,烘劣豆而成品的烘焙師是心道。
每種豆都在等他的有緣,即為精品咖啡 1. Sea level, mountain air, moisture, soil health of the farming place. And farmer that is kindhearted. 2. Good and honest coffee pickers: The seed of coffee is a life, and it is alive. That’s why the care they show, from picking to storage, to coffee matters.” 3. Roaster’s patience, skills, and competence: If a roaster roast with great patience and competence, every blackgold can transform into 8 different tastes, even with the worst kind of bean, it will be like practicing the art of alchemy.
‘It is only reasonable to become famous for roaster who roast good beans; but it is the training of Mind that can bring bad ones alive’ There are reasons behind. Every type of bean is waiting for the right one to appreciate it. That, is what we call Specialty Coffee.”
善豆品飲待有緣 Fine coffee awaits the right one to taste 亦如好茶普洱茗 Like fine tea and the art of Pu-Er brewing
陳年存放難知音 The beauty increase as they growing old but few knows 塞風壺煮盡不同 It tells different story every time through siphon
   4. 活的咖啡豆,給煮咖啡的人某種氛圍及情境、心境,會引動每次的不同口感, 每杯有不同的變化。這就是為什麼有一杯200元以上的咖啡、為什麼有只為了一杯咖啡而奔走的人,就像對音樂、藝術癡迷的追尋者,難以控制內心的渴望……這就是古代土耳其白色王國曾以咖啡精神占卜、打仗、甚至自療心傷,重於酒醉。故以賽風壺煮者,可呈現不同的咖啡卦象。」
Live beans evoke different vibes, moods, feelings, and tastes. Even with the same beans, elements list above make it varies accordingly.
That’s why there is coffee over NT$200 per cup, and it explains the motives behind those coffeeholics who will go all the way just for a cup of fine coffee. They share same cravings that are hard to be controlled as those pursuers of music and art. In ancient times, people of the Turkish Empire used coffee for fortune- telling in personal life and in wartime. They even deemed it a better medicine for wounds within than alcohol. In coffee siphon brewing, sometimes it forms different signs that mirror the situation.    -----------------------------------------------------------
              咖啡之不同                    Basic Differences in Coffee  失水率不同、國界地區不同,種植法不同、高山有機豆存放,烘豆法不同 Depending on the dehydration rate, growing region , planting method, sea level , processing method, roasting method.                        [心煮法]              Brewing Method & State of Mind       因煮泡法、人、情境、意境、享飲者心境而有所不同。 à以茶貢、芳香貢,喝杯生命養生之豆,人生圓滿之元素由此注入。  Further differences will be made from brewing methods, brewing person, situations, moods…. Like tea offering and fragrant offering, we can consider coffee as offering for our lives. Picturing all the live force within, and take in elements of light and joy.
采葛有機豆             Tsai-Ge Organic Coffee Beans    因天氣、山氣、水氣、土氣、土壤養分而不同。活性養生豆、風味豆、蜜處理豆、泉水處理豆合而為此天氣不穩定時,身體所需之合味養氣豆
He-Wei Dou“: "Balanced Formula" Bean of vital energy and balance. To adjust to ever-changing environment, we select organic beans (sun-dried flavored, Miel processed, spring water processed, aged) from all over the globe and combine with different percentage of beans that provide abundant probiotics.
When going through certain level of body-cleansing regimen, not only our taste buds will be more sensitive, we can also feel how our cellular memory works.   In a story from Buddhist Sutra, it mentions implications of a “vast and long tongue” that can tell truth from false. Likewise, we will be able to tell the right food from the toxic artificial ones. Then, we start to choose only what is good for our health. Moreover, our preferences will differ according to experiences in our past lives. Take Mr. Liu as example, when his perception expands after the process of light energy cultivation, he started to feel different elements in He-Wei coffee and found himself prefer the taste of Big Snow Mountain coffee. It then led him back to the origin and do further research on his newly-inspired passion.
                                                              何謂合味?What is He-Wei?
完成未解的因緣,調適當下環境的變動。因此,熟悉的順口中帶有躍動的新鮮,一杯代表生命的豆子,讓品飲之人找到生命出口,而分享著善食與善念。  He-Wei(balanced flavor) aims to provide what we need at this present moment and what we had in the past lives. This coffee of life force then lead us to recollect and reflect on our lives; meanwhile, it shed light on things long been ignored: the Right food and the Truth behind. 
采葛生態烘焙坊不同處方之地球村有機豆種原料 適豆性、適土性而進行獨家深度生態烘焙 采葛光能咖啡‧ 采葛合味咖啡‧ 采葛麝香咖啡
List below are organic raw beans from different countries. Roast based on its unique features to achieve best results . Rainforest alliance& fair trade coffee beans from Indonesia: tone of rich fruit acids grown out of good coffee breeding methods(Golden Mandheling, Kopi Luwak, Rainforest beans, Rock-grown beans). Himalayan Nepal Coffee: good soil conservation& no chemical fertilizer used. Grown in heavenly clouds and pure mountain air. Volcano Lao Mountain Coffee, Yunnan Arabica Coffee, Organic Nicaragua Coffee (shade grown, high grown, Honey), Honduras Estate-grown Coffee(six regions), Central African Coffee(wild), Coffee from Saudi Arabia.
    唯心光能咖啡(視當下需求而特殊烘焙)─采葛咖啡訊息者                         Mind Food Coffee --- Tsai-Ge Coffee Messenger
  咖啡是轉換生活情境最好的心藥,尤其是回到生活原點的愛情,不要用別人的錯誤懲罰自己,原諒別人的無知,提升自己的智慧,雨後彩虹必有善緣。  1. 依自己內心的感覺,找個地方
2. 平靜的心,無人干擾
3. 挑選想聽的音樂,或一本書 Coffee is one of the best medicines to heal inner wounds and to readjust to life, especially when it comes torelationship with yourself. Don’t punish yourself with other’s fault. Forgive their ignorance, and gain wisdom from the experiences.  Like the rainbow after rain, there’s always a good thing after the pain. 
 ‧酸味Acidity療癒傷人的不忍,入肝膽,勇於拒絕不是你的愛,並祝福對方。 Works on liver and gallbladder: Releases oneself from illusions of being heartless. Say no to the wrong ones even if it will more or less hurt their feelings. Make yourself clear, and bless them.
苦味Bitterness療癒被傷的愛,入心肺,勇於離開的祝福,追尋真愛, 在下一個心靈伴侶到來時,豐盛自己的資糧。 Works on heart and lungs: Heals a heart that is broken. Have the courage to leave and continue the quest to find true love. Nourish and enrich yourself to be prepared for your next partner.
酸中苦& 苦中酸
Acidity within Bitterness& Bitterness within Acidity
調適彼此的心傷,祝福彼此,沒有怨恨,不再藕斷絲連,給下一位伴侶或友人愉悅的氛圍。 Adjust yourself and bless each other. No regrets and resentment. Also, try to avoid on again off again relationship with your ex to prepare for next life partner/friend pleasant atmosphere.
  從引導品鑑,進而團購,默默推動公平貿易、產地直銷、平衡國內外莊園有機豆價,使其價格合理,發揮咖啡雪花精神enjoy大地給我們的豐盛資糧,用其半日照的有機鍺解重金屬之毒期望一群非咖啡業界的小天使來品飲, 而利人,利己,利大地,給台灣山川乾淨的環島休旅咖啡莊園。 From providing general knowledge and guide to tasting to promote fair trade, direct marketing, and reasonable prices of organic beans.With the spirit of coffee snowflower in mind, we enjoy what the Mother Earth brings us and use organic Germanium (GE-132) to detoxify from heavy metal. We expect to see little angels that are not in the coffee business to join our Coffee Day. To learn and regain the ability to tell what is good for your health, which benefits not only yourself but also others and the Earth. Show our care for this island and provide Taiwan a beautiful, eco-friendly, and soil-restoring environment for localized specialty coffee.
唯心咖啡分享-[咖啡真實知識. 台灣養生咖啡知識. 味嗅覺感受力培養.咖啡品鑑引導]
Mind Food Coffee Tasting Day  [Facts & Revelation about Coffee
     Taiwan Coffee & Organic Coffee Tasting Methods to discern toxicity]

唯心咖啡品鑑紀錄 Record& Reflections on Mind Food Coffee

         It all starts with food and drink.     The request of very wish and goal starts from saying no to toxins in life. Withconcerns for the environment and our well-being in mind, we hope to be able to develop the ability perceiving things through knowing the facts behind and listening to our body. By comparison, differences and qualities of coffees will become apparent. Meanwhile, Mind Food Coffee will speak for itself being the food of our mind and body.    We sampled 2 typed of coffee at first: Nicaragua rainforest organic coffee- Green Jade, Balanced formula(Green Jade). Both roasted by Mr. Fang.
在訊息中隱藏的那份智慧 是你回家之道。」 “Every time I visit, it’s like a journey of discovery. During the time together, words and feelings bring into consonance. And turn into powerful messages, which tells me To find the Wisdom within, for it is my way back Home” 「雪山咖啡能量直通第七脈輪,先解頂輪不適之人;象豆咖啡直抵第一脈輪,紓解海底輪緊繃之人;而極品麝香咖啡能量細膩,全身竄流。 這是視人適性而點單之色彩光能咖啡。」"Mind Food Coffee of Big Snow Mountain formula: its energy goes directly to 7thchakra, sooths the disease around the area; The energy of Elephant bean formula works on 1st chakra, releases the pressure at the bottom; And the Mind Food coffee of Kopi Luwak goes through the entire body with its unique energy so delicate and gentle… I think Mind Food Coffee should be sampled according to the moods and conditions of people, because every type of coffee contains energy of  different color of light."



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